Scout Curated Wears

Intermix Stone Stacking Bracelets


A menagerie of semi precious gemstones and mixed materials weave together to create the perfect complement to any wrist stack.

Presented with recycled hangtags with gold foil that tell the meaning and properties of each stone.
African Turquoise | Stone Of Transformation.
Amazonite | Stone of Courage
Aqua Terra | Stone of Peace
Blue Howlite | Stone of Harmony
Mexican Onyx | Stone of Confidence
Rose Quartz | Stone of the Heart

Materials include Semi Precious Gemstones, Plated Brass, Polymer Clay Discs, Stretch Cord.
Circumference is approx. 7 inches. Diameter is approx. 2.25 inches. Beads are on stretch cord so the bracelet can fit a variety of wrist sizes.